Beendet die Gewalt, lasst die Geiseln frei – Antwort auf den 7. Oktober

Israelische Akademiker hatten einen sensationellen offenen Brief mit dem Titel „Der Elefant im Raum“ veröffentlicht, unterzeichnet vorwiegend von israelischen und jüdischen Zeitgenossen. Die Verfasser des Briefes haben jetzt eine Reaktion auf den „7. Oktober“ – also auf den Überfall der Hamas auf Israel – verfasst. Auch dieser Text benennt wieder präzise das, worum es geht. Dieser kurze Text hat innerhalb eines Tages bereits über 400 Unterschriften bekommen, darunter übrigens auch von Judith Bernstein und Nirit Sommerfeld. Es tut gut, angesichts der peinlichen Einseitigkeit unserer Medien und Politiker, eine derartige Stellungnahme registrieren zu dürfen.

Der Aufruf mit dem aktuellen Stand der Unterschriften hier:

Wir, die Unterzeichnenden, verurteilen die Hamas für ihre abscheulichen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Diese Terroristen, die Hunderte von Zivilisten, Männer, Frauen, Kinder, Säuglinge und Senioren auf grausamste Weise abgeschlachtet und zahlreiche weitere entführt haben, müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden. Israel hat jedes Recht, sich zu verteidigen und diese Mörder zu verfolgen, wo immer sie zu finden sind.

In dieser Zeit des Schmerzes und der Verwüstung rufen wir Israel dazu auf,

1. alles in seiner Macht Stehende zu tun, um die Geiseln zu befreien. Israel hält eine große Anzahl von Palästinensern in Gefängnissen gefangen, viele von ihnen sind ältere Menschen. Israel muss sich um einen Austausch von Gefangenen bemühen, um seine eigenen und die gefangenen Bürger anderer Länder vor dem sicheren Tod zu bewahren.

2. darauf zu verzichten, die Zivilbevölkerung des Gazastreifens kollektiv für die Verbrechen der Hamas zu bestrafen. Ein Massaker rechtfertigt nicht das nächste. Dies wird nur zu weiteren Verwüstungen führen und den Kreislauf der Gewalt weiter anheizen. Wir rufen zu einem sofortigen Waffenstillstand und zur Deeskalation auf.

3. die gewaltsame Unterdrückung des palästinensischen Volkes zu beenden. Die Apartheid, die jahrzehntelange Besatzung des Westjordanlandes, die 16-jährige Belagerung des Gazastreifens mit zwei Millionen Palästinensern und die Auslöschung der Erinnerung an die Nakba tragen alle zur Verrohung und Gewalt bei. Ihnen muss dringend ein Ende gesetzt werden. Es gibt keinen anderen Ausweg.

Wir dürfen unsere Trauer und unseren Schock nicht dazu benutzen, Rache zu üben und weiteres Blutvergießen unter der Zivilbevölkerung zu verursachen. Wir rufen die israelische Führung, die palästinensische Führung, die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, die internationale Gemeinschaft und alle friedenssuchenden Menschen auf der ganzen Welt auf, sich gemeinsam für ein schnelles Ende der derzeitigen Gewalt und für einen echten und gerechten Frieden zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern einzusetzen.

End the Violence, Release the Hostages –

Response to October 7

We, the undersigned, condemn Hamas for its heinous crimes against humanity. These terrorists, who slaughtered hundreds of civilians, men, women, children, babies, and seniors in the most horrific manner and kidnapped scores of others, must be brought to justice. Israel has every right to defend itself, and to pursue these murderers wherever they can be found. 

In this time of pain and devastation, we call on Israel to: 

  1. Do everything in its power to rescue the hostages. Israel holds vast numbers of Palestinians in prisons, many of them elderly. Israel must seek an exchange of prisoners in order to save its own and other countries‘ captive citizens from certain death.

  1. Refrain from punishing collectively Gazan civilians for the crimes of Hamas. One massacre does not justify another. This will only lead to more devastation, fueling the cycle of violence. We call for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation.

  1. End the violent oppression of the Palestinian people. Apartheid, the West Bank’s decades-long Occupation, keeping Gaza’s two-million Palestinians under siege for 16 years, erasing the memory of the Nakba, now all contribute to the brutalization and violence. They must be urgently brought to an end. There is no other way out. 

We must refrain from using our grief and shock to justify revenge and create more civilian bloodshed. We call upon the Israeli leadership, Palestinian leaders, the United States government, the international community, and all peace-seeking people around the world, to work together for a swift end of the current violence and toward a true and just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

To sign the petition, contact
Include a 1-line affiliation/description.

For press inquiries, contact Dr. Omer Bartov at

List of Signatories:

Academics, clergy, public figures

  1. Omer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Brown University

  2. Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History, Chapman University

  3. Meir Amor, Associate Professor Concordia University (ret.) 

  4. Lior Sternfeld, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, Penn State University

  5. Oren Yiftachel, Professor of Geography, Ben- Gurion University of the Negev

  6. Tamir Sorek, Professor, Penn State University

  7. Nitzan Lebovic, Professor of History, Apter Chair of Holocaust Studies, Lehigh University

  8. Omri Boehm, Associate Professor of Philosophy, The New School for Social Research 

  9. Rabbi Michael Feinberg, NYC

  10. Michael Steinberg, Professor of History, Brown University

  11. Hasia Diner, Professor Emeritus of American Jewish History, New York University

  12. Karin Loevy, Manager of JSD Program at New York University School of Law, Researcher at the Institute for International Law and Justice, New York University School of Law 

  13. Rabbi Michael Davis, Rava-Chicago

  14. Lucas Cantori-Waknine, Publisher at Clinamen, Geneva, Switzerland 

  15. Rabbi Moshe Heyn, Half Moon Bay, CA

  16. Rabbi David Regenspan (retired)

  17. Jonathan Graubart, Professor, Political Science, San Diego State University

  18. Susan Neiman, Professor of Philosophy and Director, Einstein Forum 

  19. Julia Klein, publisher 

  20. Ross Hyman Ph.D., Computational Scientist, University of Chicago 

  21. Izhar Patkin, Artist

  22. Nirit Sommerfeld, German-Israeli actress, singer, author, activist

  23. Claude Calame, Director of Studies, AnHiMA, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

  24. Deborah Hellerstein, PhD & Psychoanalyst 

  25. Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, Philadelphia

  26. Ronald Max Vollmer, Retired Geochemist and Artist

  27. Nancy Ruttenberg, Professor of English, Stanford University

  28. Doris Sommer, Professor, Harvard University

  29. Rivi Handler-Spitz, Associate Professor of Asian Languages and Cultures Department, Macalaster College

  30. Emily Sun, Associate Professor, Barnard College

  31. Richard Ruppel, Professor, English & Peace Studies, Chapman University

  32. Doug Tarnopol, educator and editor

  33. Brian Leiter, Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, Director, Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago

  34. Jonathan Zeitlin, Distinguished Faculty Professor of Public Policy and Governance Emeritus, University of Amsterdam

  35. Judith Zeitlin, William R. Kenan, Jr Professor, University of Chicago

  36. David B. Malament, Professor, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine 

  37. Eric Campbell, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland

  38. Moti Gorin, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Colorado State University

  39. Jason Aleksander, Professor of Philosophy, San Jose State University 

  40. Christian Weidemann, Dr., Lecturer (Philosophy), Department of Roman-Catholic Theology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

  41. Paul Holdengräber, Former Founding Director of Onassis Los Angeles, & Former Founding Director of LIVE from the New York Public Library; Interviewer and Curator 

  42. Victoria Kahn, Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California Berkeley

  43. Alice Robinson, Psychotherapist

  44. Einor Keinan Cervone, PhD, Associate Curator of Arts of Asia, Denver Art Museum 

  45. Rex Welshon, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Colorado Springs 

  46. Ari Almog, Senior instructional professor, Modern Hebrew program, The University of Chicago 

  47. Ulrich Baer, University Professor, New York University 

  48. Richard Strier, Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago

  49. Maram Epstein, Professor, University of Oregon

  50. Li Wai-yee, Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University 

  51. Barry Loewer, Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University

  52. Einor Cervone, Associate Curator, Denver Art Museum

  53. Rex Welshon, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

  54. Joan VT Schmitz, Professor Emerita, National University

  55. Stephen Durrant, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon

  56. Jeff Rice, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Emeritus, Northwestern University

  57. Hugh Miller, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago

  58. Cilly Kugelmann, Chief Curator, New permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin

  59. Orly Benjamin, Professor of Sociology, Bar Ilan University

  60. Håvar Knutsen, Retired M.D., Olso, Norway

  61. Felix Büchner, Managing director, Independent Center of Musical Arts, Munich

  62. Renée Bertrams, art-therapist (retired) for people after torture and flight, Koeln

  63. Ruth Zaslansky, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany

  64. Ursula Wokoeck, PhD historian

  65. Merry White, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boston University

  66. Ronnie C. Lesser, Ph.D., Psychoanalyst

  67. Daniel Bar-Tal, Professor Emeritus, School of Education, Tel Aviv University

  68. Irene Levin, Professor Emerita, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

  69. Judith Bernstein, Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Group, Munich

  70. Freddie Rokem, Professor (Emeritus), Tel Aviv University

  71. Idelle Hammond-Sass, Artist, Designer, Co-Chair, JWAN /Jewish Women Artists Network. WCA (Women’s Caucus for Art)

  72. Katharina Galor, Hirschfeld Senior Lecturer in Judaic Studies, Brown University

  73. Monique Eckmann,  prof em. University of Applied Sciences and Art, Western Switzerland, Geneva 

  74. Michael Barnett. University Professor of international affairs and political science. George Washington university

  75. Alan Tansman, Professor, Japanese, UC Berkeley

  76. Wayne Lencer, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

  77. Stanley Habib , Professor Emeritus , CUNY

  78. Eva Menasse, novelist, essayist, Berlin

  79. Joseph Schmitz, PhD, research methodologist, journalist 

  80. Alexandra Senfft, M.A. Middle Eastern Studies, Author, Germany 

  81. Soumava Basu, Director, Council for Global Cooperation (CGC)

  82. Yona Shahar, JD, Montpelier, VT

  83. Jonathan Littell, Writer and Filmmaker

  84. Aurelia Kalisky, associated researcher to the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

  85. Alessandra Cangemi, Journalist, Milan

  86. Abe Silberstein, Writer

  87. Susie Davidson, Journalist

  88. Renata Segre, Independent historian

  89. Karen Klein MD, Physician

  90. Sherrill Cohen, Independent Historian and Editor

  91. Judy Roth, PhD clinical psychologist/psychoanalyst

  92. Faisal K. Bhabha, JD/PhD student in Philosophy, University of Toronto.

  93. Franke Wilmer, PhD, Professor Emerita, Department of Political Science, Montana State University

  94. Marianne Hirsch, Professor Emerita, Columbia University

  95. Dr. Rolf Golombek, senior researcher, The Frisch Centre, Norway

  96. Ariel Handel, lecturer, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design

  97. Haggai Ram, Professor of history, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  98. Shelley Berlowitz, PhD, alumna University of Basel, Switzerland 

  99. Max Paul Friedman, Professor of History and International Relations, American University, Washington, D.C.

  100. Ido Nahari, Editor, Arts of The Working Class

  101. Prof. David E. Cane, Vernon K. Krieble Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Brown University 

  102. Dirk Moses, Professor of International Relations, City College of New York. 

  103. David Feldman, Director, Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London

  104. Deborah Dwork, Director Of The Center For The Study of The Holocaust, Genocide, And Crimes Against Humanity, Graduate Center—City University of New York

  105. Mira Sucharov, Professor of Political Science, Carleton University 

  106. Genie Silver, Ph.D., former Lecturer, Bryn Mawr College, and activist, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

  107. Henry Reichman, Professor Emeritus of History, California State University, East Bay

  108. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Professor of German-Jewish History, TU Berlin

  109. Nancy Stern, Professor, City College of New York, City University of New York

  110. Lawrence Moss, former Distinguished Lecturer and Rita E. Hauser Director of the Human Rights Program, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College, City University of New York

  111. Joan Newlon Radner, Professor Emerita of Literature, American University

  112. Fred Rogers, VP and Treasurer Emeritus, Carleton College

  113. Avrum Burg, Associate Professor, former speaker of the knesset, former chairman of the Jewish Agency

  114. Laura Troutman MA Columbia University 

  115. Lewis Kirshner Harvard Medical School- retired

  116. José Hamra Sassón – 17, Critical Studies Institute, Mexico City

  117. Moshe Behar, University of Manchester

  118. Michael Feigenbaum, Performer & Rhythm specialist

  119. Nadav Assor, Associate Professor of Art, Connecticut College

  120. Nurit Peled Elhanan, Lecturer, David Yellin Academic College of Education

  121. C. Christine Fair, Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University 

  122. Jethro Eisenstein, Board Chair, JVP Boston Chapter

  123. Arie M. Dubnov, Max Ticktin Professor of Israel Studies and History, George Washington University

  124. Gertrud Koch, Professor Emeritus, Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin 

  125. Steve France, Esquire, Episcopal Palestine-Israel Network; Contributer, Mondoweiss

  126. Leah Hager Cohen, Professor of Creative Writing, College of the Holy Cross

  127. Aaron Berman, Professor Emeritus, Hampshire College

  128. Martin Levine, Chief Executive Officer (retired), Jewish Community Center Chicago

  129. Anita Altman, MA, Health Administration

  130. Monika Jaeckel, PhD, Freelance artist 

  131. Columba González-Duarte, Assistant Professor at the New School for Social Research

  132. Anthony Gad Bigio, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University (ret.)

  133. Yaël Mizrahi-Arnaud, Ph.D. Student,New York University

  134. Mitchell Silver, Emeritus Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Massachusetts/Boston

  135. David Ozonoff, MD, MPH, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health

  136. Elizabeth Zoob, LICSW, Clinical Social Worker

  137. Rabbi Jeanette Friedman Sieradski,Founder, Second Generation No. Jersey 1979; co-author, Why Should I Care? Lessons from the Holocaust, Paradise Valley, PA

  138. Joan Heifetz Hollnger, Elzabeth Boalt Lecturer-in-Residence, University of California Berkeley Law School

  139. Steven E. Ostrow, Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  140. Dana Hollander, McMaster University

  141. Jonathan W. Malino, Professor of Philosophy and Weissenfluh Professor of Ethics and Religion, Emeritus, Guilford College

  142. Jessica Benjamin, Professor, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

  143. Hannah Mittenberg, LCSW, Manhattan Institute of Psychoanalysis 

  144. Shai Ginsburg, Association Professor and Chair of the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University

  145. Fred L Pincus, Emeritus Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County

  146. Tal Nahari, PhD Student, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  147. Anat Ascher, The Open University of Israel.

  148. Yuri Pines, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  149. Professor Dror Feitelson, Department of Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  150. Ron Barkai, Professor (emeritus) of medieval history, Tel Aviv University

  151. Ofer Ashkenazi, Associate Professor of History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  152. David Harel, Professor of Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute of Science 

  153. Efrat Ben-Ze’ev, Associate Professor, The Ruppin Academic Centre 

  154. Gideon Freudenthal, Professor (ret.) of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University

  155. Jerome Bourdon, Professor of Communication, Tel Aviv University

  156. Tommy Dreyfus, Professor (emeritus) of Mathematics Education, Tel Aviv University

  157. Rafi Greenberg, Professor, Archaeology, Tel Aviv University 

  158. Paul Blain Levy. Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham

  159. Yitzhak Hen, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  160. Noa Levin, postdoctoral researcher, Università della svizzera italiana

  161. Prof. Dmitry Shumsky, Professor of Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  162. Thomas Weiner, retired teacher, Smith College Campus School, Northampton, MA

  163. Galit Hasan-Rokem, Professor emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  164. Jack Goldberg, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta

  165. Jon Solomon, Professor of Chinese Literature, Université de Lyon 

  166. Alan Tansman, Professor, University of California, Berkeley

  167. David G. Troyansky, Professor of History, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

  168. Paula Varsano, Professor of Chinese Literature, University of California, Berkeley

  169. Steven Heydemann, Ketcham Chair in Middle East Studies, Smith College

  170. Adele Diamond, Canada Research Chair Tier 1 and Professor, University of British Columbia

  171. David M. Mittelman, Associate Professor of Portuguese, United States Air Force Academy (Personal speech, not a statement on behalf of the U.S. Government or any agency).

  172. Ariela Gross, Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

  173.  David Arnow, Professor, Computer and Information Science, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York

  174. Adam Hochschild, author

  175. Aaron Dickinson Sachowitz, Professor of Communication, Saint Mary’s College of California 

  176. John-Paul Himka, Professor emeritus, University of Alberta

  177. Natasha Zaretsky, Professor of History, University of Alabama at Birmingham

  178. Tony Platt, Distinguished Affiliated Scholar, Center for the Study of Law & Society, UC Berkeley.

  179. Edward Langerak, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, St Olaf College

  180. Michael Rothberg, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, UCLA

  181. RW Perry, Lecturer-in-Residence UC Berkeley School of Law

  182. Smadar Ben-Natan, PhD

  183. Ross Gasworth, Musician, Orange County CA

  184. Susanne Roessler, Journalist

  185. Assaf Oron, Ph.D., University of Washington

  186. Prof. (emerita) Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Dept. of History, Tel Aviv University

  187. Josef Mitterer, Professor of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt

  188. Philip Rosen, Professor Emeritus of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

  189. Diana B. Greenwald, Assistant Professor of Political Science, City College of New York

  190. Barbara Larcom, Ph.D., retired

  191. Professor François Guesnet, University College London

  192. Dr. Itay Snir, Yezre’el Valley Academic College

  193. Marc David, Professor Emeritus, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium

  194. Deborah Achtenberg, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Nevada, Reno

  1. Richard H Miller, Division of Liberal Arts, University of N C School of the Arts (ret.)

  2. Emily Schneider, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northern Arizona University

  3. Judith Gerson, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University

  4. David Levy, Professor, Department of Management, Graduate Program Director, PhD track in Organizations and Social Change University of Massachusetts, Boston

  5. Susie Becher, Managing Editor, Palestine-Israel Journal 

  6. Jonathan Portes, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, King’s College London

  7. Yael Sela, Alexander von Humboldt Research Associate, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany  

  8. David Weinfeld, Rowan University

  9. Doron Shiffer-Sebba, Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology, Northwestern University

  10. Nadav Amir, postdoctoral fellow, Princeton University 

  11. Dr. Hannah Safran Haifa Feminist institute 

  12. Lincoln Z. Shlensky, Associate Professor, University of Victoria

  13. Andrew Paul Gutierrez FRES, Professor Emeritus UC Berkeley

  14. Pierre Pica researcher at Centre National de la recherche Scientifique in Paris France 

  15. Dr Benjamin Zachariah, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media, Braunschweig, Germany

  16. Cari Gardner, New York Progressive Action Network, Vice Chair

  17. Livia Tagliacozzo, phd student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  18. Seyla Benhabib, Professor Emerita of Political Science and Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow, Columbia Law School 

  19. Ran Greenstein, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

  20. Yonatan Ginzburg ,Professor of Linguistics, Université Paris Cité

  21. Prof. Millet Treinin, Department of Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew University – Hadassah Medical School 

  22. Stefan Zlot, MD 

  23. Joel Whitebook, Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center

  24. Sophie Desrosiers, Honorary assistant professor,Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

  25. Merav Givoni Hrushovski, poet

  26. Sam Shuman, Visiting Assistant Professor, Davidson College

  27. Lily Kahn, Head of Department, Hebrew & Jewish Studies, University College London

  28. Ira Noveck, Professor of Linguistics, Université Paris Cité

  29. Ayala Levin, Associate Professor of Architectural History, UCLA

  30. Na’ama Rokem, Associate Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, University of Chicago

  31. Rinat Hackmon MD ObGyn/ MFM Associate Professor OHSU Oregon Portland

  32. Tamar Novick, Research Scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science 

  33. Revd. F Peter Ford, Jr, PhD, former Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, Near East School of Theology, Beirut

  34. Gerald Hewitt, Emeritus Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy and Politics, University of the Pacific

  35. Janelle Reinelt, Emerita Professor of Theatre and Performance, University of Warwick

  36. Zimri Shalom Yaseen, MD

  37. Lynn Goldstein, Professor Emerita, The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

  38. Adam Jones, Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia Okanagan

  39. Tatyana Kleyn, Professor, The City College of New York

  40. Jeff Warner, Former curator of lunar samples, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

  41. Troy Duster, Professor Emeritus, U. of California, Berkeley

  42. Adam Aron, Professor, UC San Diego

  43. Robert A. Slayton, Professor Emeritus, Chapman University

  44. Andrew Lugg. Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, University of Ottawa, Canada

  45. Marc Caplan, Visiting (außerplanmäßiger) Professor of Yiddish Studies, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf (Germany)

  46. Judith B. Kerman, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of English, Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan

  47. Patricia Hynes, Retired Professor, Boston University

  48. Sam Shuman, Visiting Assistant Professor, Davidson College

  49. Marie Howe, writer, Sarah Lawrence College

  50. Prof. Antje Wiener, PhD FAcSS MAE, Universität Hamburg

  51. Jill Hamberg, Retired Assistant Professor, Empire State University (State University of New York)

  52. David Kishik, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Emerson College

  53. Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Israeli peace activist, co-director of Jahalin Solidarity

  54. Atina Grossmann, Cooper Union, New York, Professor of History

  55. Peter E. Gordon, Professor, Harvard University

  56. Allan Potofsky, Professor of History, Université Paris Cité

  57. Mirjam Brusius, Ph.D., Historian, London

  58. Saul Noam Zaritt, Associate Professor of Yiddish Literature, Harvard University

  59. Rabbi Laurence Edwards, Congregation Or Chadash (Emeritus), Chicago, IL

  60. Hillel F. Damron, Writer and Blogger.

  61. Pauline M. Coffman, Director, School of Adult Learning, North Park University (Retired)

  62. Dr. Marc Aronson, Associate Professor, Rutgers School of Communication and Information 

  63. J. David Velleman, William H. Miller III Research Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, New York University

  64. Irene Fellmann, Former Member, Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF)

  65. Donna Baines, Professor, University of British Columbia

  66. Alan Rutkowski, Librarian (Retired) University of Alberta

  67. Arlie Russell Hochschild, Sociology, UC Berkeley, Emerita

  68. Georges Rey, Dept of Philosophy, Univ of Maryland

  69. Prof. Nomi Stolzenberg, University of Southern California law School

  70. Arturo Marzano, Associate Professor, University of Pisa

  71. William A. Edmundson, Regents‘ Professor Emeritus, Georgia State University

  72. Jared Stark, Professor of Comparative Literature, Eckerd College

  73. Rabbi Debra Kolodny, Teacher and ritualist, Amherst, MA 

  74. Frances Tanzer, Rose Professor of Holocaust Studies and Modern Jewish History and Culture, Clark University

  75. Kelly Anthony, Teaching Professor, University of Waterloo, ON Canada

  76. Phyllis Albert, Local Affiliate, Center for European Studies. Harvard University

  77. Regina Birchem, Ph.D, retired Cell biologist, Studium Resident Scholar, Minnesota

  78. Prof. (Emeritus) Shalom Ratzabi

  79. Eli Karetny, Deputy Director, Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, CUNY Graduate Center

  80. Kenneth B. Moss, Harriet and Ulrich E Meyer Professor of Jewish History and the College at the University of Chicago

  81. Meir Baruchin civic education teacher

  82. Svenja Goltermann, Professor of Modern History, University of Zurich 

  83. Orna Ophir PhD, The Gallatin School, NYU, The DeWitt Wallace Institute for Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell NYC 

  84. Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, PhD, Prof. Emerita, Dpt of Anthropology, Smith College, Northampton MA

  85. Thomas Bierschenk, emeritus professor of anthropology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

  86. Gregory Seigworth, Millersville University

  87. Jessica Marglin, Ruth Ziegler Chair in Jewish Studies and Professor of Religion, Law and History, USC

  88. Sergio Tenenbaum, Professor of Philosophy, Centre for Ethics, Director, University of Toronto 

  89. Lital Levy, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University

  90. Stephen Soldz, Professor, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis 

  91. Paul Monsky, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, Brandeis University

  92. Ellen C. Schwartz, Eastern Michigan University (ret.)

  93. David Mond, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick

  94. Lisa Baraitser, Professor of Psychosocial Theory, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London

  95. Louise Bethlehem, Associate Professor, English and the Program in Cultural Studies,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

  96. Tirtza Even, Professor, Department of Film, Video, New Media, Animation, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago 

  97. Louise Bethlehem, Associate Professor, English and Cultural Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  98. Michael M. Kochen, Emeritus Professor, University of Goettingen/Germany 

  99. Dr Michal Huss, Leverhulm Postdoctoral Fellow, Durham University 

  100. Annette Becker,  Professor of Modern History, Paris-Nanterre

  101. Barbara Kane PhD, Psychoanalysis/Psychotherapy

  102. Rachel Thomson professor of childhood and youth studies university of Sussex

  103. Benjamin Mordecai Ben-Baruch, former Jewish educator

  104. Yoav Shemer-Kunz, political scientist, University of Strasbourg

  105. Prof. Isaac (Yanni) Nevo, Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel

  106. Peter Vallentyne, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri

  107. Jeff Peck, retired Professor and Dean, Baruch College/CUNY

  108. Daniel Levy, President – U.S. Middle East Project

  109. Bernard Lamizet, Retired Professor, Institut d’Études Politiques, Lyon

  110. Naita Hishoono, Executive Director, Namibia Institute for Democracy

  1. Déborah Gol, Judge, lecturer at the faculty of law of the University of Liege

  2. Lena Inowlocki, Sociologist, Senior Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt

  3. Tamar Barkay, PhD., Sociologist, Tel Hai College

  4. Dror Feiler, Chairperson for European Jews for a Just Peace

  5. Joshua Bernstein, Associate Professor of English, University of Southern Mississippi

  6. Joseph Schear, Associate Professor and Official Student (Tutorial Fellow) of Philosophy, Christ Church, University of Oxford

  7. Esther Benbassa, Professor Emerita, Modern Jewish History, Ècole Pratique des Hautes Ètudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres University

  8. Rex Welshon, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

  9. Roy Wagner, Professor, ETH Zurich

  10. Guy Bollag, MD, Sociocultural Animation, Zurich, Switzerland; Head of the Committee of the Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine, Switzerland

  11. Stephen Durrrant, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon

  12. Scott Altman, Professor of Law, University of Southern California.

  13. David Biale, Emanuel Ringelblum Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of History, UC Davis

  14. Gad Levy, PhD., Sr. Scientist

  15. Dorit Naaman, Alliance Atlantis Professor of Film and Media, Queen’s University, Canada

  16. Oded Na’aman, Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Hebrew University

  17. Alan Wallach, Wark Professor Emeritus, The College of William and Mary

  18. Sandra Folzer, Ph.D. Retired Licensed Psychologist.

  19. Itamar Francez, Associate Prof. if Linguistics, University of Chicago

  20. Sasha Senderovich, Associate Professor of Slavic and Jewish Studies, University of Washington

  21. Lawrence Blum, Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston

  22.  Camron Michael Amin, Professor of Middle East and Iranian Diaspora Studies, University of Michigan-Dearborn

  23. Claudia Lapping, Professor of Psychosocial Studies and Education, University College London

  24. Atalia Omer, Professor of Religion, Conflict and Peace Studies, The University of Notre Dame

  25. Elizabeth Heineman, Professor, University of Iowa

  26. Samantha Mitschke PhD

  27. Diane L. Wolf, Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of California, Davis

  28. Sonia Combe, Associate Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

  29. Professor Francesca Klug, LSE Hunan Rights

  30. Bob Gluck, Professor Emeritus, University at Albany

  31. Hilary M. Schor, Professor of English and Law, University of Southern California 

  32. Noga Rotem, assistant professor, University of Washington 

  33. Amos Goldberg, Associate Professor, Holocaust History,  The Hebrew University of Jerusaelm

  34. Yael Berda, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, The Hebrew University of Jerusaelm

  35. Ruth Rosen, Professor Emerita, University of California, Davis

  36. Dr Steinbock of Difference Group has served at India, China and America Institute (USA), Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) and EU Centre (Singapore).

  37. Bernard W. Kobes, Faculty of Philosophy, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona

  38. Jenann Ismael, William H. Miller III Professor of Philosophy

  39. Jean-Christophe Attias, Professor, Medieval Jewish Thought, Ècole Pratique des Hautes Ètudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres University

  40. Nadine Fink, professor for History Education at University of Teacher Education in Lausanne, Switzerland

  41. Michael M. Kochen, Emeritus Professor, University of Goettingen/Germany 

  42. Charles Perkin, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Barbara

  43. Elizabeth O’Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of History | UCLA

  44. Ari Almog, Modern Hebrew program,, The University of Chicago

  45. Dr. Glenn E. Robinson, Resident Fellow, Center on Terrorism, Extremism and Counterterrorism, Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey

  46. Professor Tony Kushner, University of Southampton

  47. Prof. Dr. Christopher Pollmann, Université de Lorraine – Metz

  48. Kohenet Annie Matan, Founder and Spiritual Leader of Matanot Lev | Gifts of the Heart, Toronto, Canada

  49. Richard Strier, Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Department of English, University of Chicago

  50. Yaël Mizrahi-Arnaud, Ph.D. Student, NYU  

  51. Christopher Winks,Professor, Comparative Literature, Queens College/CUNY

  52. Dena S. Davis, Presidential Endowed Chair in Health, Lehigh University

  53. Arnon Levy, professor of philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  54. Hanna Pickard, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University

  55. Ian Phillips, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University 

  56. Shana Minkin Sewanee: the University of the South

  57. Kobi Kabalek, Assistant Professor of German and Jewish Studies, Penn State University

  58. Claudia Leight, retired counselor, Morgan State University 

  59. Marion Berghahn, Publisher, Berghahn Books

  60. John Davidson, M.D., Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine 

  61. Stephen Biggs, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Iowa State University 

  62. Sacha Stern, Professor of Jewish Studies, University College London

  63. Allie Perry, United Church of Christ pastor, and chair of the UCC Palestine Israel Network 

  64. Cora Diamond, Professor Emerita, University of Virginia 

  65. Hent de Vries, Professor of Religious Studies, German, Comparative Literature, and Affiliated Professor of Philosophy, New York University

  66. James Young, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  67. Jennifer Evans, Professor, Department of History, Carleton University

  68. James Lebeau, Rabbi, Jerusalem 

  69. Barbara Kane PhD

  70. Joan Willens Beerman, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

  71. Abraham D. Flaxman, Associate Professor of Health Metrics Sciences, University of Washington

  72. Karen Auerbach, Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  73. Marcia G. Yerman: Writer/Artist/Activist

  74. Benjamin Mordecai Ben-Baruch, Jewish educator (ret.)

  75. Diane Bahr, health care worker (ret.)

  76. Jenny Jones, teacher, Wales UK

  77. Miriam Habib, Social worker (ret.)

  78. Su Neuhauser, Public Health Administrator (ret.)

  79. Arnaud Amzallag, formerly Harvard Medical School and Broad Institute 

  80. Rabbi Dev Noily, Kehilla Community Synagogue, Oakland, CA

  81. Danielle (Dani) Loeb, MD MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Mt Sinai School of Medicine 

  82. Erica Schoenberg, Ph.D, psychoanalyst

  83. Rachel Levitsky, Professor of Writing and Poetics, Pratt Institute

  84. Henry Bean, writer, Los Angeles

  85. Elisabeth Bäschlin, Geographer /em. University of Bern

  86. Professor Daniel Rohrlich, Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  87. Abigail Jacobson , associate professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  88. Yuval Tal, Assistant Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  89. Melanie Judge, adjunct associate professor of public law, University of Cape Town

  90. Charles W. Greenbaum, James Marshall Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  91. Dr. Raya Cohen, former lecturer in TAU and the university  Federico II, Napoli

  92. Benjamin Arbel, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  93. Gaby Belz, Switzerland, organizational developer, co-founder of Jewish Voice for Democracy and a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine

  94. Dr. Noah Hysler Rubin, Urban Planner, School of Architecture, Bezalel Academy for Arts and Design, Jerusalem

  95. Anne-Marie Codur, Chair, The University of the Middle East Project

  96. Rebecka Katz Thor. Researcher, department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University.

  97. Leslie Morris, Professor of German and Jewish Studies, University of Minnesota

  98. Rabbi Borukh Goldberg

  99. Dorit Peleg, writer, Israel

  100. Helen Langa, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emerita, Art History Program, Art Department, American University

  101. Prof. Ido Geiger, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISRAEL

  102. Denise J. Karlin, Retired government attorney

  103. Judith Levine, (Retired Psychotherapist), Cambridge MA

  104. Veronika Cohen, Professor Emeritus, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

  105. Georges Rey, Philosophy, Univ of Maryland, College Park

  106. Sven-Erik Rose, University of California, Davis

Community supporters

  1. Ellen Dokton

  2. Austin Chapman, Amateur Historian

  3. Anna Gsanger, wine professional and educator 

  4. Joan Hazbun

  5. Monte Wasch

  6. Michelle Siteman, grandmother

  7. Linda Machowetz, Vienna

  8. Rosemary Nash

  9. Angela Krause, Munich

  10. Zehava Chen-Levy

  11. Mara Cohen Ioannides

  12. Caroline Pick, UK

  13. Sharon Sigal, Mishkan Shalom Congregation

  14. Michael Hiller

  15. Sunny Robinson, Gloucester, MA

  16. Michal Cohen

  17. Patsy Rahn

  18. Oliver Sears, Holocaust Awareness Ireland 

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